
Data Management

Cloud Data Governance Implementation for Largest Auto Lender in the US

  • Part of a global network servicing 22M+ customers across 30 countries, managing $119B in assets

Business Need

  • Address CCPA and other regulatory and business requirements; reduce audit exposure
  • Enterprise data dictionary of critical data elements across core financial systems
  • Processes to automate and orchestrate data
  • Framework that enables collaboration between IT and Business
  • Lower project costs


  • Several disparate legacy data dictionaries
  • Inconsistent and incomplete source data
  • Changing priorities from IT and Business stakeholders
  • Lack of business and technical prowess among users regarding the governance platform tools
  • Lack of data governance oversight
  • Physical metadata architecture not matching catalogs used to define, find, and implement data flows

Solution & Results

  • Installed, configured, tested, and delivered into production Informatica CDG
  • Rationalized 50,000+ data definitions; promoted business understanding of the source, provenance, and correct use of data for management decisioning, increasing efficiency by 18%
  • Established 6 core business processes to manage key data and mitigate data quality anomalies
  • Enabled client to leverage financial systems infrastructure for acquisitions including new products/services and financial instrument offerings, reducing acquisition integration by 2 months
  • Instituted training to increase tool confidence and knowledge, increasing business adoption by 23%
  • Provided actionable best practice insights for environment and process improvements