
Data Management

Contact Master for Major Financial Institution

  • Top 5 US bank with $1.9T in assets, serving 70M+ customers

Business Need

  • Golden master contact record across business units
    • Overall maintainability
    • Cost-effectiveness
    • Ability to easily apply business rules
    • Re-use of current connectors and other technologies
  • Map customer relationships to better segment customers and make additional compelling offers


  • ~40+ source systems housing 10M+ contact records
  • Challenging to match contacts across multiple sources
  • Other locally-built data systems; would like option of utilizing solution system in the future
  • Sales staff creating 20% productivity loss due to fixing, finding, and understanding data, not selling

Solution & Results

  • Delivered Informatica Customer 360 across all 40+ systems
  • Installed and deployed Informatica MDM in lab and pre-prod environments
  • Potential $7.8M in productivity improvement, enabling sales teams a central view across teams and to focus on selling vs digging for data
  • $2M+ savings around annual cost in hardware, software, maintenance, and IT operations